Red Rock Ridge

Published on 3 January 2024 at 19:10

Today I got to land on the actual continent on Red Rock Ridge at an Adélie penguin colony.  They are super cute and always up to some crazy antics.  I got to see an adult (no clue if it was a mom or dad) feed two chicks.  There was a separate section of the colony that was just adolescent penguins that were hanging around like they were a bunch of cool kids that didn’t know what to do with themselves.  Too old to be with the chicks, but not old enough to raise chicks themselves.  And penguin teenagers are very similar to human teenagers that just do their own thing.  I got to see a few tobogganing down the hill and thought that if I were to do that, I would be the unlucky penguin that overshot the hill and would end up in the water.  These little guys are great on the snow but I still managed to see several trip up and face plant.  I shouldn’t laugh, but it was hilarious to see.    


After lunch we had a zodiac cruise where we saw a bunch of crab eater seals (that don’t actually eat crabs) and amazing ice formations.  The clouds were pretty heavy in the afternoon and we had a light drizzle.  It didn’t damper spirits though and it was great to just take in the vastness of the landscape and wildlife around us.  Today was another great day and I hope you like a few of pictures.

The humpback whale photo below is from last night but I just had to include it :-) 

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Denise Andrikowich
9 months ago

The penguins are adorable. I’m sure you could relate to them with their antics! I love hearing about your adventure. So happy for you!

Steve Frechette
9 months ago

I love the update and the pictures! Is that a photo of the boat that you took across Drake’s passage?

Elyse Robbins
9 months ago

You know this is my favorite update. I love the penguins! I cannot believe you didn’t get a picture of the face plant. Very disappointed. Thank you for sharing this adventure. What an amazing view of these little guys and girls.

lilly doherty
9 months ago

love the seal he or she is so CUTE.

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